Home Fitness

Gentle warmups to do at home

You can if you have the desire to get fitter, this can be done at home by making use of your stairs and build over time the number you go up and down from ground level. But before do gentle stretching and mobility exercises, basically move any part of your body joints, again must stress build-up from a gentle start.

Also you can use your food tins etc into shopping bag for arm etc muscles. You can also do gentle running on the spot. Above just a few suggestions, think of other things to do then great, please post.

After following above for a few weeks I am sure you will feel better and want to keep it up, then progress with going out for walks which again you can work on for faster and longer duration. Pete

“I am not keen on thought of doing press ups at home”

” remember not to stretch to the biscuit tin “

“Jogging on the spot”

” Sit down and do some arm stretches”